For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What Is The Deal With These Fools?

Maybe it's because I'm an old, crusty broad, but I just don't see the appeal with the Jonas Brothers.

I can get with the "tween sensations" -- Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Suite Life of Zach & Cody, etc. Let's face it, I have a 9-year-old so the Disney Channel is 24/7 en mi casa.

And perhaps I was Miley Cyrus in a former life. Or a drag queen. Don't judge.

My point is, I've gone through photos upon photos of these twats on the internet (there are a million of 'em out there) and I can't find one single image where I think they look remotely cute.

Perez Hilton is, like, the Jonas Brothers' biggest fan, and I swear, he posts about 3 stories a day about 'em. I love me some PH, but here's one from the other day where P-Nasty talks about how their stylist should get a raise.

Huh? Their stylist should be shot! There's no way in hell I'd let my spawn walk around in public lookin' like that!

I don't know how you'd even describe their style: Like the Beatles meets the Monkees meets Oliver Twist. Whatever.

I absolutely hate -- I repeat, HATE -- skinny pants on dudes. Hate 'em on women, too, but sweet Jesus, how do these boys sit down in those damn pants!?!?!?! They must have small junk.

The one in the middle looks like Pat Benetar & Rick Springfield had a love child back in the day.

UGH!! Quit tryin' so effin' hard!!!

Menudo, anyone?

Again with the Oliver Twist/magician look!

God Bless America??? God bless those *scarves*!

That gray jacket looks like somethin' Mary Jo Shively (or Anthony Bouvier) woulda worn on Designing Women!

1 comment:

OJD said...

what is the deal with you beoch the jonas brothers aren't cute, they're HOT! your stylist should be shot. ive met them and they are the nicest, sweetest gentlemen i have ever met. I love them so much. You have a problem, YOU DON"T EVEN FREAKING KNOW THEM!

Did you know:
Nick J has Dibetes and he still goes on stage EVERY NIGHT for his fans

the Jonas brothers would rather have meet and greets than be backstage?

they love their fans, and all you look at is their looks?



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