For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Score One For the Blogger

A judge ruled Wednesday that Perez Hilton is entitled to upwards of $85,000 to pay legal costs in a lawsuit filed by D.J. Samantha Ronson.

"Samantha Ronson, who sued Hilton last year, was a passenger in (Lindsay) Lohan's car when it crashed into a tree in Beverly Hills in May. She sued Hilton for repeating on his website a report from another site stating that she planted cocaine that was found in Lohan's car," reports

Say whatcha want about Perez Hilton, but he's workin' on buildin' an empire for himself, and we're all contributing to it.

85 Gs?!?! That'll buy a lot o' Pinkberry & blue hair dye. Keep doin' yo thang, P-Nasty!

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