For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Britney Sprung From The Loonie Bin

Brit was released from the psych ward this afternoon and what does she do after she leaves? Naturally, what any sane person would do while currently embroiled in legal battles, restraining orders and conservatorships......she proceeds to drive around L.A.!!!!

Take your fuckin' ass home, bitch!!!

Where's Momma & Poppa Spears?!?!?!

I shouldn't be surprised that the paps are all whipped up into an orgasmic frenzy at this moment, or that is streaming LIVE VIDEO from a helicopter of the roadway madness. The "reporters" are commenting on her fabulous driving skills and the fact that she's dancing in her car at stop lights, presumably to music she's listening to.

Umm, I doubt she's playin' music in her car -- she's a wackjob!

She should NOT be turned loose back onto the streets of L.A.


Perez Hilton is also reporting that Brit's "in the arms of the enemy" which can only mean one thing.

We'll see what transpires from this mess......

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