For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Gays Love 'Em Some Frenchie!

Elton John loves the Atlanta Braves! Who knew?

Sir Elton recently had a tete-e-tete with Braves GM John Schuerholz, HOF pitcher Phil Neikro and ex-2B Mark Lemke about all the naughty things he wants to do to Jeff Francoeur. I kid.

Oh sorry, that's me that wants to do all those naughty things to Frenchie....I digress.

He had this to say about baseball:

"In a way, it's very poetic. I watched it and I fell in love with the game, and I learned how it worked, and I loved it and the Braves became my team.

I watch baseball whenever I am on the road, whether it's the Braves or whether it's someone else. For me, it's a huge relaxation and, like cricket, one of the most poetic things you can do is watch a game of baseball."

Homegirl obviously ain't watchin' the Braves play in September. That shit ain't poetic, it's aggravatin' as hell!

Still, I'm glad to see he's a fan of my fave team. I never knew I had so much in common with Pee Paw...

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