For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

2007 Emmy Awards

I don't really have a lot to say about the Emmys this year cuz I didn't watch the whole show. But I did see enough to know who was hot and who looked like shit. Let's discuss.....

Let me start with Helen Mirren -- this granny is H-O-T! Dayum, she looks good for 116! I kid. She's 62. She was a vision of loveliness in her amethyst gown and cute wispy 'do. Gorgeous!

I may be the only woman in America who didn't like Katherine Heigl's dress. It was too wedding gown - too tragically bridesmaid for me, sorry. She gave good face (LOVE the red lipstick!), but that was it...I honestly thought ho looked better at last year's Emmys with the sweaty boob cheese.

Heidi "Mrs. Seal" Klum worked. it. out. in that fabs merlot strapless with the slit up to there! On TV, her lipstick looked more burgundy, but in pics it's too red for that dress (and why do I notice shit like that?). Love the hair, love the jewels. She was quite the yummy mummy.

Eva looks the same everytime I see her ass. She can wear a multitude of different Kaufman Franco dresses, Christian Louboutin shoes, hairstyles, shitty spray-on just doesn't matter. Bitch still looks the same to me. She's cuter in the yoga outfits she wears on DH.

(here she at the 07 Emmys) (here she is at the 06 Emmys)
blech, same same same

Hayden...poor little Hayden...Good God, what happened here? Did you not recognize the orange tinge to your skin, or the fact that it blended almost flawlessly with the color of your frock? Were you feelin' fat? Cuz there's enough extra fabric there to fit about 3 more folks in that hideous dress. Shit, I just don't know what else to say about this mess.

And speakin' of messes, Miz Vanessa Williams was the biggest one of 'em all. Dayum, woman! It looks like Big Bird was attacked by a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream! Still, wearin' the Big Bird dress to the Emmys was a better decision than wearin' this piece o' crap to the Golden Globes.

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