For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I Heart Pierre

Awww. This melts my cold black heart.

Pierre, the African Penguin who lives at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, has lost his waterproof feathers that keeps him warm in cold waters.

The scientists at the CAS felt bad for the little guy so they created a wetsuit that Pierre can wear while playin' with his homies in the tank.

The 25-year-old flightless, aquatic bird has lost so many of his feathers that his pink hiney has become exposed, making it uncomfortable for him to swim in the chilly water.

"We were really excited to do it," said Teo Tertel, marketing specialist aOceanic Worldwide, who are one of the biggest manufacturers of wetsuits worldwide. "We heard most of these penguins only live to 20, and our little buddy there was already 25. Anything we could do to help them, we were all for it."

With the help of the wetsuit that he's been wearing for the last several weeks, he's been able to frolic with the other hotties, he's gained some weight and some of his feathers have even begun to grow back. He's now able to take short dips in the tank without the suit.


Click here to see more pictures of the hot piece, Pierre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They should also get him some flip-flops, lest he step on a pop top.


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