For entertainment purposes entertainment.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

File This One Under "DUH!"

The Associated Press reports that former Atlanta Braves reliever John Rocker admitted in a recent radio interview that he used steroids when he was with the Texas Rangers and Commish new about it.

"Bud Selig knew in the year 2000 John Rocker was taking the juice," the former pitcher said Monday of the baseball commissioner on Atlanta radio station 680. "Didn't do anything about it."

My mouth is agape. I am shocked. Astounded. Stunned. Absolutely blown-away!

I mean, who the hell talks about himself in third-person like that? Geesh.

Let's face it, is anyone really shocked that he was juiced up? Hell no!

I'd be more surprised if he wasn't on steroids. It would be a bigger shocker if he started crusadin' with Al Sharpton!

Save your angry emails, loyal readers. I know the POINT of the story was that Commish knew he was shootin' up. I'm over that. I just can't get over John Rocker talkin' about "John Rocker."

Who gives a shit about this cross-eyed asshole anymore?

Tell me why they even invited this douche on the air? Is the news world REALLY that slow in the ATL that a media outlet would scour the bottom of every pond in the south to drudge up his limp ass? Why would you give this leech airtime?

I'm disappointed in you, 680. Saddened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rag on rocker all you want, but the real douchebag is selig. there wouldn't be a steroid problem at all if his dried up ass would've done his job in the mid-90's like the NFL & NBA commish's did.


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